Did you know that an employer is required to pay a non-exempt hourly employee for their time for all required training time?
A good rule of thumb is...if you require it, pay it.
If you require your employee to perform any type of work, they must be compensated.
When your employees participate in the required training, whether on site or online, that time must be recorded, and paid for. They also must be paid for any time spent in training while they shadow experienced employees, or do anything else related to their current jobs. This also includes new hire orientation.
There are four hotspots that the DOL monitors regarding this topic and employers should have a pay policy in place for these:
1) Failure to record and to pay for hours spent completing required training;
2) Failure to record and to pay for hours worked before and after scheduled shifts;
3) Failure to pay for hours worked when employees work through meal periods; and
4) Failure to record and to pay for hours spent in travel between store locations.
So even if a new or existing employee says they don't mind training off the clock, or training during their lunch break or training from home, be sure to record their training time and include that time on their next paycheck.
Here is a resource from the Department of Labor to obtain more information:
Here is a Fact Sheet for other work events that must be paid:
Fact Sheet #22: Hours Worked Under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) | U.S. Department of Labor (dol.gov)
Reach out to Human Resources 911 L.L.C. to review your pay policies or answer any questions you may have.
Website: www.humanresources911.org
S a free consultation @ www.calendly.com/humanresources911